E-Power Testimony for Shoulder Tendonitis

My friends Darrell and Rina Warren came by a few days ago. Rina had a bad case of shoulder tendonitis. She even had to take a day off of work because of the pain! I invited them to try some of my health machines.

We were so delighted to see how quickly the E-power machine opened up her shoulder! Here is a short video of the testimony she gave. They were both every happy to see her shoulder respond so quickly.

Shoulder Tendonitis

I wasn’t sure what it was and looked it up. According to John Hopkins Medicine, here is what they say about shoulder tendonitis:

Tendonitis of the shoulder is an inflammation of the rotator cuff and/or biceps tendon. Shoulder tendonitis is usually the result of a tendon being pinched by surrounding structures. Shoulder tendonitis often occurs in certain sports that require the arm to move over the head repeatedly, such as in baseball, weightlifting, racket sports, and certain swimming strokes. The injury may vary from mild inflammation to involvement of most of the rotator cuff. When the rotator cuff tendon becomes inflamed and thickened, also known as rotator cuff tendonitis, it may get trapped under the acromion (the roof, or highest point, of the shoulder that is formed by a part of the scapula, or shoulder blade).

My best guess is that the E-power caused the inflammation to settle down and that is why Rina could raise her arm so quickly. It was still sore, but the body just takes time to heal. Meanwhile, what a wonderful gift for her to be able to use her arm!

The E-Power Machine helps will all sorts of problems. My friend Martha and her whole family have seen help with different kinds of pain. She and her daughter’s E-power Testimonies are here.

God has given us wonderful bodies that can heal themselves. It’s important to give our bodies excellent food, rest, and we are blessed with even these machines that help our bodies to heal themselves. The machines don’t heal you. They just help to kickstart what’s already in us that can take heal us from the inside!

E-Power Testimony From Martha

I was so delighted to see Martha’s fast results with the E-power Machine. She’s been using the machine for a few months and I asked her if she would like to record the outstanding benefits she and her family has been experienced. Martha is a dear friend and I’m so glad this machine has helped them in profound ways!

Martha came to our home in severe pain. I was so pleased to see her pain truly dissipate in 15 to 20 minutes. She told me she now uses the E-power Machine for 2 to 3 hours a day. Sometimes she even sleeps with it on. If needs to be on low when used for several hours at a time.

I knew the E-power Machine had helped her with the horrible pain, but I didn’t know the miraculous stories of her son and husband. In the video above she shares how this machine has impacted her family in a healing way.  She told me that both her son and her husband had their own E-power testimony.

What I noticed when I first started using this machine is that it tightens your skin and gives you a healthy looking glow. For me, it also helped to tighten my gums, which had been receding. In another video, Cheryl shared how she went from severe osteoporosis to not a a trace of osteoporosis after faithfully using the E-power machine for 2 years. That article is here – Dogs Cured Of Cancer

If you don’t know what it is, osteoporosis is when you bones weaken and people with this disease are susceptible to breaking their bones with a fall. It’s very exciting to see that using an E-power machine can not only help with pain, as in Martha’s testimonies, but can actually helps combat this bone disease.

God has given us amazing bodies that can just heal themselves when given the tools to do it.

PS. Martha also send me this testimony from her daughter. Another family member that loves this machine!

Keilani Testimony for Epower from jeanw123 on Vimeo.


Dogs With Cancer

Dogs With Cancer

Cancer is a disease that not only affects people but also can be devastating for pets. I loved hearing some of the cancer testimonies on Jeff’s videos posted on this website. It was also refreshing to hear wonderful testimonies of dogs with cancer whose lives were extended with our Hothouse machine.

Infra-red light is the first line of defense for cancers in Japan. It’s much less expensive and intrusive than chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation used here in the US. Our HotHouse has cutting edge technologies that amplify the benefits of these healthy rays. Here is one of the testimonies:

Wonderful testimonies with the E-Power Machine

Dr Cabriales Interview

This Doctor from Mexico loves the HTE machines.  Dr Cabriales has done lots of studies with the Hot House and E-power Machines and seeing incredible results with Diabetes patients and their blood glucose levels normalizing. He has also been able to save limbs of patients with open sores. Plus he’s doing research with the Hothouse and Breast Cancer.

The machines are great for home use and can be used everyday.

He uses the Hothouse and E-Power everyday.

Here is a brief background of Dr. Cabriales’ education, and experience.