The “Chi Machine”
By Dr. Lipton
Generates “Life Force” and Ameliorates a Broad Range of Illnesses and Injuries
During the past 30 years, the Chinese concept of “Chi” — life force — has become accepted by the western world. The most notable indicator of Chi’s acceptance is the widespread acknowledgment that acupuncture — whose purpose is to release blockages to the flow of Chi in the human body — is an effective means of treating a host of illnesses and injuries.
Modern (Western) medicine now believes that Chi (pronounced “chee” whether spelled chi, qi, or ki) is a form of electricity — bioelectricity — that circulates through the body. Chi is present in every cell and must exist at a sufficient level, circulating properly, to avoid cellular and organ malfunction.
When your Chi is at too low a level, or its circulation within your body (through invisible channels known as meridians) is blocked or disrupted, illness and physical organ damage can develop. Remedy the situation quickly enough — by generating Chi or removing the blockage to reinstate or balance the Chi flow — and illness will be cured and organ damage will be prevented. Wait too long, and organ damage occurs. If the flow ceases entirely, death results.
In both Modern and Chinese medicine, illness is said to be caused by pathogenic factors. In Modern medicine the pathogenic factors include bacteria and viruses; but in Chinese medicine the pathogenic factors are quite different: the “six excesses” (wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire); the “seven moods”, (joy, anger, anxiety, obsession, sorrow, horror, and fear); intemperance in eating and drinking; improper diet; and too much, or too little, of: sexual activity, work, or exercise.
Thus when the level of Chi in the body is sufficient, and the Chi is balanced (circulating properly) — the pathogenic factors are resisted by the body and the individual remains healthy. In Modern medicine this is known as “resistance to disease”. When Chi is at too low a level, or is blocked from proper circulation, the body is left open to attack by the pathogenic factors, and illness results.
There are several traditional Chinese methods for generating Chi and restoring proper Chi balance, Each has certain “disadvantages” which are peculiar to our western lifestyle. The most well known of the traditional methods, and the problems with incorporating them into the Western lifestyle, include:
Chi Kung Exercise: Learning and gaining proficiency may require substantial time.
Massage: Not always available when needed.
Acupuncture: Skilled practitioners may be hard to find.
Herbs: Knowledgeable herbalists and /or quality herbs my be hard to find.
Meditation: Hard to find the time and solitude to practice; hard to get the “chattering monkey” out of your mind.
So accepting the fact that traditional methods of generating and balancing Chi are difficult to apply, you might ask if a nontraditional method exists which provides most of the benefits of the traditional methods, yet conforms to the constraints of the Western lifestyle.
The answer to that question is yes!
In the early ’50’s, Dr. Shizuo Inuoue, director of the Japan Health Association, theorized that the remarkably healthy and well-toned condition of koi (Japanese goldfish) could be attributed to their undulating swimming motion, which helped to oxygenate their blood.
Dr. Inoue extended his theory to humans by examining the relationship between oxygen levels and quality of health, in a research project lasting 38 years. He concluded that causing the human body to undulate like a swimming fish would raise the levels of both blood oxygen and Chi, resulting in substantial health benefits.
Engineers used Dr. Inoue’s basic concept to design the Chi Machine. Weighing just under 16 pounds, the machine is about the size of a toaster oven, with a footrest on its top. To use the Chi Machine, you put it on the floor and lie on your back, placing your ankles in the footrest. When the machine, which operates on standard household electrical power, is switched on, the footrest oscillates from side to side, , at a rate of approx. 140 times per minute.
The motion of the footrest moves your feet from side to side, causing your entire body to move in an undulating fashion precisely mimicking the swimming movement of a fish (hence the Oriental description of the motion: “swimming on land”). Your feet, which are lying in the footrest, oscillate vigorously, but as that motion works its way up your body, the intensity of movement becomes progressively reduced, so that your head, at the opposite end of your body, moves only slightly.
A session on the Chi Machine is usually 15 minutes in duration except during an acclimation period of several days during which the session length is gradually increased from a starting point of 3-5 minutes. During each session, your blood is oxygenated and you receive other benefits as described in the next section. When the session is over, the motion of the footrest ceases and there is an almost instantaneous movement of Chi from your feet to your head and then to your arms and hands. The feeling, described as a “strong tingling, suffusing the entire body” is quite exhilarating and lasts several minutes. With most users, the Chi flow is felt even at the end of the very first session of only 3-5 minutes — which makes it a very easy device to demonstrate!
The Chi Machine is a registered medical device in Japan, the country of its invention, and users attribute numerous medical benefits to its use. More than a million Chi Machines have been placed in homes and offices throughout the world during the device’s thirteen years of existence. The Chi Machine produces systemic effects (i.e., stimulating blood flow) which results in physical benefits (e.g., elimination of jet lag). These include the following.
1. Cellular Activation: The Chi Machine activates the sympathetic nervous system, which opens up the bronchioles promoting movement of oxygen into the lungs. As a result oxygen exchange is increased, providing additional oxygen to the cells.
2. Spinal Balancing: The undulating movement decompresses vertebra and helps straighten out kinks, reducing tightness and allowing chiropractic adjustments to hold longer.
3. Exercising Internal Organs and Generating Chi: The “rush” of Chi after the motion of the Chi Machine has ceased massages your internal organs, and rearranges the way the body utilizes Chi, putting it back into balance.
4. Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System: The pressures and stress of our “modern world” often produces an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, which can result in insomnia, digestive difficulties, heart palpitations, constipation, and other “diseases of civilization”. The balancing of Chi by the Chi Machine brings the autonomic nervous system back into balance, minimizing and/or eliminating those bothersome and dangerous affliction.
It is worth taking special note of a feature of the Chi Machine which is not obvious from the foregoing list.
Use of the Chi Machine results in oxygenation of the blood without any physical effort, which means that neither heart rate nor blood pressure is raised. Thus, the Chi Machine provides passive aerobic exercise to those who would benefit from it, but who cannot perform aerobic exercise because their physical condition prohibits activities that increase heart rate or blood pressure.
The following is an article written by Dr. Nathan Lipton.
A Different Paradigm
by Nathan L. Lipton, M.D., F.A.A.O
The predominant type of medicine we have in North America, as well as in other developed countries, is referred to as Western or allopathic medicine. It is also the best in the world. We are blessed to be living here so we can benefit from this advanced form of medical care. When people of means who live elsewhere in the world get sick — they will seek out medical care in North America or in one of the other many countries around the world that offer this approach.
The paradigm characterizing this type of medicine is as follows: for a specific disease — we use a specific therapy, typically medication. Thus the treatments are disease-specific. So if we have Diabetes we will use insulin or an oral agent such as Glucophage. If we have another disease such as Arthritis — insulin or Glucophage will be of no use. We have to use a drug that is specific for Arthritis.
However there is another paradigm, which can be exemplified by the Chi Machine for example. In my experience with hundreds of patients — using the Chi Machine has proven therapeutically beneficial for the following conditions:
Anklyosing Spondylitis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Lymphoedema Degenerative Disc Disease of the Lumbar and Cervical Spine
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Parkinson’s Disease
Peripheral Neuropathy, etc, etc, etc….
How is this possible? How can a single therapy help so many diverse conditions? This simply doesn””t fit our Western medical paradigm. The answer to the question “How can the Chi Machine help so many different conditions?” is as follows.
The Chi Machine empowers the body to heal whatever pathology it is afflicting. The human body was designed and built by God in heaven — the greatest architect and creator of all. The good Lord also built into our human anatomy an energy source – which is called different names by various cultures. The Asian culture calls it Qi or Chi. The East Indian culture labels it Prana. In Jewish terminology, the term is one that is very similar to the word Chi; that word is Chai. No matter the name used, they all refer to the same phenomenon.
This Chi energy exists in every human being as a dormant, latent or potential energy source. Often this energy is present flowing at a very low level, but it is possible to manifest or activate this energy: When this is done — two things happen:
1. We feel wonderful.
2. Healing of virtually any disease is possible in an accelerated fashion.
The trick is how to stimulate or activate our Chi energy. The great genius of Dr. Inoue was his invention of a mechanical device — namely the Chi Machine as an easy, enjoyable and effortless way to get the Chi energy flowing. All of us who use and love the Chi Machine know exactly what I am referring to here.
The Chi Machine — in an almost magical fashion — is able to instantly power up the Chi energy force in our bodies. I have had some patients — the very first time they use the Chi Machine – describe that their entire body is vibrating when it stops moving. For many it is very profound. And the therapeutic results are often extraordinary. This is the power of the Chi Machine. All of us who have been working with the Chi Machine – using it ourselves and introducing it to others, are acquainted with incredible even miraculous healings that have been achieved with the Chi Machine.
As a physician I never cease to be amazed at what the Chi Machine is capable of as a treatment device. The greatest joy in life is to help others. Nothing else even comes close. It is so wonderful to be able to share the Chi Machine with others who are in pain or who have a condition from which they have been unable to get relief. The worst thing is for someone to be suffering from a condition unnecessarily — because they simply don””t know about an effective treatment that is available. Most people have never heard of the Chi Machine. Our mandate then is to be of service to others by continuing to spread the word about the amazing Chi Machine.”
The trends are clear: More and more people are less and less satisfied with the state of their health. They are searching for things that will help them maximize their quality of life. HTE USA is on the cutting edge of the most powerful shift in health care attitudes in the last 100 years.
Chi Machine as an easy, enjoyable and effortless way to get the Chi energy flowing
The Chi Machine will aid in unblocking the ‘Chi’ pathways and ensure a maximum flow of this healing source, through all body organs, to restore normal or improved functioning to impaired organs and body systems related to such organs
The Chi Machine Enables You To ‘Swim On Land’
Be Beautiful – Relax – Sleep – Lose Weight – Detox – Firm Breasts
The free fatty acids do not deposit in the abdomen, and are carried away through consumption – a process to reduce weight irreplaceable by any other measures. With regard to the female breast, as a result of the relaxation of the ligament supporting breast tendon and recovery of elasticity once again, women will have a full firm breast. The undesired fat deposit in the abdomen and buttocks will gradually disappear, with the original firmness recovered.
This has been proven by tens of thousands of female users. It very well could be the ideal approach of reducing weight and making one beautiful. Neither medication nor injection is used in this exercise.
This is most appropriate for those with obesity, arthritis and cardiac-pulmonary patients who are unable to do physical training. The Chi Machine is the fittest rehabilitation and health care measure today.
What do I have to lose? What do I have to gain?
You will lose toxicity, fat, pain and debilitation. You will gain sleep, energy, fitness and joy when you look in the mirror. It IS possible to reverse damage, decay and malfunction. The Chi Machine will do much of it for you. A healing, exercising, oxygenating, massaging, stimulating and relaxing method… for a vibrant, healthy mind, body and spirit.
Can you lie on the floor in your own home or office, and give up a minimum of 4 minutes in your busy day?
Of course you can.
The machine has gained international medical acclaim and a tremendous reputation for its solid construction and outstanding health benefits. Unlike many types of exercise equipment, the Chi Machine is:
a) Easy to use, providing excellent results without stress or injury.
b) Many hospitals worlwide, now highly rate it as THE BEST clinical, medical and health recovery appliance – Masseuses, Therapists and Chiropractors in particular, are thrilled and testify to amazing results.
The price of the exerciser(Chi machine) is reasonable, the time of the exercise in limited: it is ideal as a physical training instrument
The Chi Machine’s ability to oxygenate, tone and strengthen the body increases the feelings of well-being–that is, raises the chi or life force–in the bodies of those who use the machine on a daily basis